The other day Steve and I walked on the bluffs above the beach, and he took this photo. I like it because of the fog. I've always loved fog, at least the physical, cloudy stuff. But mental and spiritual fog I don't care for much. When I first came to know the Lord, my mind was clouded with confusion, doubt, bitterness and uncertainty. Fog can exaggerate some things and camouflauge others. Objects hide in the mist. This was the way my soul felt when I began to read God's word and understand his ways - I needed a lot of help clarifying the parameters of my thinking. Slowly, he set my thoughts in order, gave me a sense of perspective. As Kathryn mentioned in her post last week, an eternal perspective.
One thing I've learned from living by the ocean most of my life is that sunshine burns away fog. When the day warms up, the clouds usually dissipate. Sometimes we go along and run into a spiritual fog bank. This can happen to even the oldest Christians, and not necessarily because of some wrongdoing - often the trials of life simply leave us not knowing for sure which direction to take.
I am so thankful that we can trust God even when we don't fully understand what is happening in our lives. Paul tells us in Colossians 3 to focus on things above - on things eternal. In eternity I don't think there will be any fog - just the shining light of God's love.
I miss you all - and pray you have a blessed new year - Barbara
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Last one for Kathryn
This is my last Vine Life blog post.
I need to say "no" to some good things - like this blog - to say "yes" to the best things.
I need to focus on strengthening my relationship with Tom, my husband. Twenty years into our marriage, I am still learning how to love. I am thankful for Tom's integrity and determination, Biblical marriage counseling, and God's promise to complete His work in us. I want to do my part in protecting and building our marriage.
I have heard the pastors of StoneBridge mention several times recently that some marriages in our church are really suffering. I have been praying a lot about that. Now I need to do something to strengthen my own marriage. Ladies, I would encourage you to do the same. Pray for the marriages of our church! Pray for your own marriage (if you are married). And obey God in whatever He tells you as you pray.
For me and Tom, there's no crisis. We're just a mess and always have been. A long time ago someone told us that Tom and I share a conscientiousness and an eternal perspective that have held us together. Praise God. I'd just like more of the glue holding us together to be fun memories, holding hands, walking the dog together, and serving in the Kingdom side by side.
So it's time for more of that. And it will happen according to His grace.
- Kathryn Truden
P.S. I have really enjoyed contributing to this blog! I hope you all will continue to read the musings of your sisters in Christ. They encourage me so much.
I need to say "no" to some good things - like this blog - to say "yes" to the best things.
I need to focus on strengthening my relationship with Tom, my husband. Twenty years into our marriage, I am still learning how to love. I am thankful for Tom's integrity and determination, Biblical marriage counseling, and God's promise to complete His work in us. I want to do my part in protecting and building our marriage.
I have heard the pastors of StoneBridge mention several times recently that some marriages in our church are really suffering. I have been praying a lot about that. Now I need to do something to strengthen my own marriage. Ladies, I would encourage you to do the same. Pray for the marriages of our church! Pray for your own marriage (if you are married). And obey God in whatever He tells you as you pray.
For me and Tom, there's no crisis. We're just a mess and always have been. A long time ago someone told us that Tom and I share a conscientiousness and an eternal perspective that have held us together. Praise God. I'd just like more of the glue holding us together to be fun memories, holding hands, walking the dog together, and serving in the Kingdom side by side.
So it's time for more of that. And it will happen according to His grace.
- Kathryn Truden
P.S. I have really enjoyed contributing to this blog! I hope you all will continue to read the musings of your sisters in Christ. They encourage me so much.
Monday, December 16, 2013
i am...
"the words 'i am' are potent words; be careful what you hitch them to.
the thing you're claiming has a way of reaching back and claiming you."
[-AL Kitselman]
i've thought a lot over the past few days and weeks about identity. how do i identify myself? we all long to belong somewhere - to have family, to have community, to be loved as we are. that is why the redemption story is so powerful [well, that's part of the reason]. and all of this identity stuff seems to come up this time of year. or at least it does in my world.
i think it's because of two particular things. 1 - you're either seeing family or you're not, and since family is part of our holiday tradition in our culture it doesn't really matter which side of that coin you're on, it makes you think about your identity, and where you find your identity. and 2 - the new year is coming, and that makes everyone think of resolutions, and where they are [or more appropriately who they are] currently, and how they want to change over the course of the next trip around the sun.
we identify ourselves in so many different ways. and sometimes we get stuck in one identity, and we cannot seem to get out of it.
this time of year though, i come back to the fact that Jesus became a man, a baby, so he could rescue us. so he could identify with us, and we with him. he was infinite, and became finite. he constrained himself so that we could know him. so that we could know his father. our father.
so that we could identify ourselves as children of the king. on this earth i am many things to many people, but for eternity, i am a child of God. how then should children of God live?
because that is our true identity.
yes, family matters. truth matters. people matter.
but who we are in Christ. we are redeemed. we are loved. just as we are.
and when we don't know anything else, when we're not certain of anything else,
we can be sure of that.
much love to you this christmas!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
BE A Blessing!
"And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing." Genesis 12:2
As some of you may know, I have a small jewelry business. I spend hours and hours and hours designing and making jewelry and then almost as many hours at shows selling my jewelry. Some shows are a great success and some are, by earthly measures, a complete flop. I learned early on, there has to be something bigger than a dollar amount that makes this worthwhile. But sometimes I forget...
This past weekend I tried a new show in the Asheville area. My mom took time off work and drove up to help me. We left on Thursday afternoon and didn't return until Sunday evening. I missed my family and one of my favorite annual markets, but I had been so drawn to do this show that I was certain it was where I was supposed to be.
But the weekend didn't live up to my expectations... Some would say it was pretty much a flop... People weren't attending and the ones who came just weren't buying... By Saturday afternoon, I was fed up... I wanted to leave... I wanted to be home with my husband... Or catching up with our kids... Or shopping with my mom... anywhere but sitting on a stool in a large, cold building bored to tears!
But none of the circumstances stopped my mom... On Friday, she made her way around the venue and she took the time to get to know some of the people. She listened to their stories, she purchased some of their creations, she offered words of encouragement... On Saturday, she made her rounds to say hello and check on them... She was being a blessing to so many people.
No doubt I'm over-simplifying God's promise to Abram, but I think there is such a practical application for us, in our day to day lives, as demonstrated by my mother... We should intentionally be waiting and watching for opportunities to be a blessing to others.
God told Abram that He would bless him, so that he (Abram) would be a blessing to others. But how often do I squander my blessings on myself? Or do I miss an opportunity to bless another because I'm grumpy when things don't go my way? Or too busy? Or too focused on my own agenda? Plain and simple, we are to be a blessing to others because that reflects the love, grace and mercy of Jesus to a world who is so starved and thirsty to know Him.
As I watched my mom this weekend, I started watching for my own opportunities to bless others... And in the process, I was overwhelmed with God's great blessings... Not because He brought a huge sale at the last minute, but just because I met some of the nicest people and He showed me ways to be a blessing to them (I think it's more fun to BE a blessing than to GET a blessing!).
Things aren't always going to turn out like we plan, but it doesn't have to mean it's a waste of time or a failure... It can still be an opportunity to bless others.
So during this Christmas season, as we celebrate our greatest blessing ever, Jesus Christ, let's slow down and take time to be a blessing to others. In fact, let's commit to start each day with a prayer asking God to give us HIS heart to bless others!
Happy Blessing!
As some of you may know, I have a small jewelry business. I spend hours and hours and hours designing and making jewelry and then almost as many hours at shows selling my jewelry. Some shows are a great success and some are, by earthly measures, a complete flop. I learned early on, there has to be something bigger than a dollar amount that makes this worthwhile. But sometimes I forget...
This past weekend I tried a new show in the Asheville area. My mom took time off work and drove up to help me. We left on Thursday afternoon and didn't return until Sunday evening. I missed my family and one of my favorite annual markets, but I had been so drawn to do this show that I was certain it was where I was supposed to be.
But the weekend didn't live up to my expectations... Some would say it was pretty much a flop... People weren't attending and the ones who came just weren't buying... By Saturday afternoon, I was fed up... I wanted to leave... I wanted to be home with my husband... Or catching up with our kids... Or shopping with my mom... anywhere but sitting on a stool in a large, cold building bored to tears!
But none of the circumstances stopped my mom... On Friday, she made her way around the venue and she took the time to get to know some of the people. She listened to their stories, she purchased some of their creations, she offered words of encouragement... On Saturday, she made her rounds to say hello and check on them... She was being a blessing to so many people.
No doubt I'm over-simplifying God's promise to Abram, but I think there is such a practical application for us, in our day to day lives, as demonstrated by my mother... We should intentionally be waiting and watching for opportunities to be a blessing to others.
God told Abram that He would bless him, so that he (Abram) would be a blessing to others. But how often do I squander my blessings on myself? Or do I miss an opportunity to bless another because I'm grumpy when things don't go my way? Or too busy? Or too focused on my own agenda? Plain and simple, we are to be a blessing to others because that reflects the love, grace and mercy of Jesus to a world who is so starved and thirsty to know Him.
As I watched my mom this weekend, I started watching for my own opportunities to bless others... And in the process, I was overwhelmed with God's great blessings... Not because He brought a huge sale at the last minute, but just because I met some of the nicest people and He showed me ways to be a blessing to them (I think it's more fun to BE a blessing than to GET a blessing!).
Things aren't always going to turn out like we plan, but it doesn't have to mean it's a waste of time or a failure... It can still be an opportunity to bless others.
So during this Christmas season, as we celebrate our greatest blessing ever, Jesus Christ, let's slow down and take time to be a blessing to others. In fact, let's commit to start each day with a prayer asking God to give us HIS heart to bless others!
Happy Blessing!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
All Wrapped Up in Christmas
If you are anything like me, all too often I get wrapped up in the details of Christmas and forget the big picture. This is true for most of us. On the radio the other day, I heard the DJs talking about 'Holiday Card Etiquette.' It was a funny conversation about obligations to send cards, receiving cards, demographics (evidently single and old people aren't required to send cards), etc. It's funny that everyone has their own set of 'rules' for many of the traditions of Christmas.
Because of our 'rules,' it's interesting what expectations we place on people, events, charities, church and Christmas Day itself. Do you ever find yourself disappointed because someone left you off 'the list,' or frustrated at all the events you have to attend, or disillusioned because a charity wasn't that charitable, or irritated at the way the church did the Christmas Eve service, or aggravated at family and friends because Christmas Day wasn't what you planned? I think in some large or small way, I have been guilty of each of these expectations.
However, I believe that God would want us to remember that the greatest expectation came to fruition when Jesus came as the Messiah of all mankind. We know that the Magi brought gifts to Christ but He also brought gifts to the world: love, grace, mercy, peace, hope and joy. This season I am going to attempt to unwrap my Christmas expectations. Instead I am going to try make most of the things on my to-do list giving the gifts Jesus gave: love, grace mercy, peace, hope and joy.
Because of our 'rules,' it's interesting what expectations we place on people, events, charities, church and Christmas Day itself. Do you ever find yourself disappointed because someone left you off 'the list,' or frustrated at all the events you have to attend, or disillusioned because a charity wasn't that charitable, or irritated at the way the church did the Christmas Eve service, or aggravated at family and friends because Christmas Day wasn't what you planned? I think in some large or small way, I have been guilty of each of these expectations.
However, I believe that God would want us to remember that the greatest expectation came to fruition when Jesus came as the Messiah of all mankind. We know that the Magi brought gifts to Christ but He also brought gifts to the world: love, grace, mercy, peace, hope and joy. This season I am going to attempt to unwrap my Christmas expectations. Instead I am going to try make most of the things on my to-do list giving the gifts Jesus gave: love, grace mercy, peace, hope and joy.
Monday, November 25, 2013
eyes wide open
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{via shayla lilian} |
you know, it's funny how God works. as i reflected on the many things that have come up in my life over the past days and weeks i more or less landed on the idea of gratitude. i blogged about it a little bit last week on my own blog, and the idea kept coming back to me as i thought about what to share with you all.
and then, lo and behold, what is the message on sunday about? gratitude.
maybe God is just trying to let me in on the fact that i take too much for granted, or am too much of a pessimist, or maybe i'm just a bit ungrateful. but as i walk into this holiday season i am determined to have eyes wide open with gratitude. looking for things to be thankful for, being optimistic, seeing the good, seeing the blessings in the midst of imperfection. because this time of year is not perfect. it's not perfect at all. it falls short for so many reasons, and yet, it is blessed.
i'm not talking about empty optimism, but there is always always always something to be thankful for. always. if for nothing else than the fact that we have been redeemed. and that's a whole heck of a lot. and it's easy to forget, at least for me. because i get so wrapped up in the minutiae of life that sometimes i miss the big picture. i have been redeemed. and nothing else in life can even come close.
nothing can come close, but there are a whole host of other blessings in my life. and i don't want thanksgiving day to be the only day when my focus is thankfulness. i don't want it to be the only time of year when i concentrate on my blessings.
and i certainly don't want to head into the christmas part of the holiday season thinking only about the things i need to check off of my list, or the things i'm going to get out of it.
{via worldvisionacts} |
this year may we be consumers of the creator instead of just consumers. may our eyes be wide open with gratitude.
here's the start of my thankful list:
- a savior who loves and redeems me
- my husband
- my son
- a good marriage
- my crazy dog
- the ability to exercise
- the time to stay home with my son
- a huge, loving extended family
- time and means to travel
- friends scattered across the country and the globe
- a cup of coffee
- time to write
- curiosity & imagination
- sunshine
- the color of the leaves outside
- cooler weather
- a house to live in
- a car to drive
- music
- a computer to type this on
- time to cook for my family
- soccer games to watch and to play
- clothes to wear
- shoes for my feet
- …
and that is just the beginning. so tell me, what are you thankful for?
and how do you plan on carrying an attitude of thanksgiving into the christmas season?
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
A few Words to encourage you
I keep trying to write this blog and I got nothin'. So I'm simply going to share some favorite Scriptures to encourage you. I hope you will READ THESE ALOUD:
"For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
the Lord bestows favor and honor;
no good thing does he withhold
from those whose walk is blameless."
(Psalm 84:11)
"Simon Peter answered him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.'" (John 6:68-69)
"Great are the works of the Lord;
they are pondered by all who delight in them.
Glorious and majestic are his deeds,
and his righteousness endures forever.
He has caused his wonders to be remembered;
the Lord is gracious and compassionate.
He provides food for those who fear him;
he remembers his covenant forever."
(Psalm 111:3-5)
"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." (2 Peter 1:3)
We have so much to be thankful for!
- Kathryn
"For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
the Lord bestows favor and honor;
no good thing does he withhold
from those whose walk is blameless."
(Psalm 84:11)
"Simon Peter answered him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.'" (John 6:68-69)
"Great are the works of the Lord;
they are pondered by all who delight in them.
Glorious and majestic are his deeds,
and his righteousness endures forever.
He has caused his wonders to be remembered;
the Lord is gracious and compassionate.
He provides food for those who fear him;
he remembers his covenant forever."
(Psalm 111:3-5)
"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." (2 Peter 1:3)
We have so much to be thankful for!
- Kathryn
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Are You Listening?
Last week I was reading the account of Jesus' transfiguration in Matthew 17. Jesus had taken Peter, James and John up on a mountain by themselves and right before their eyes, Jesus' face shone like the sun and His clothes became as white as light, and then Moses and Elijah appeared too and started talking to Jesus.
I wonder what that was like for Peter, James and John... remember... they were human... mere men... and all of a sudden Jesus takes on an AWESOME appearance and then two men, two of their great heroes of the Old Testament, who have been dead for a REALLY long time, show up and talk to Jesus. That had to blow their minds... How do you even begin to wrap your brain around something like that? I can't begin to imagine the emotions that were coursing their minds and hearts at the time... talk about a literal mountain top experience.
And what Peter does next is so typical Peter (and so typical me too!!)... He starts making a plan... "Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents here, one for You, one for Moses and one for Elijah." Luke, in Chapter 9 of his gospel, adds that Peter didn't even know what he was saying.
Peter didn't take the time to process what was happening... He almost missed the significance of God pulling back the veil of Jesus' true identity because he wanted to DO something instead of just BEING with Jesus and allowing the moment to transform him (Peter).
What follows next makes me chuckle a little. From Matthew 17:5... "He was still speaking when a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; LISTEN to Him." (emphasis mine)... Peter was still babbling on about his plan when God speaks from a cloud... Peter's on a mountain top with Jesus, Moses and Elijah and HE'S doing the talking! It took the voice of God from a cloud to get him to be quiet! And then Peter, James and John fell to their faces and were terrified... aka... Peter was silent!
But how often do I behave like Peter... maybe it's something that grabs hold of my emotions... maybe it's a mountain top experience of Jesus at a retreat... or on a mission trip... or some injustice that tears at my heart... but instead of stopping and listening to Jesus and seeking what He would have me do... or not do... I start formulating a plan and then asking for His approval. How often does God have to stop me in my tracks to get me to listen to His Son... my ONE true King... the only ONE worth following!
And following Him means I get in line BEHIND Him... not out in front trying to lead Him... It means I wait and listen for what He wants me to do, not what SEEMS right to me.
Next time you start to formulate some plan about what you're going to do for Jesus, step back for a minute (or an hour... or a month) and seek Him and listen to Him. His plan is always perfect... He will never lead you wrong!
I wonder what that was like for Peter, James and John... remember... they were human... mere men... and all of a sudden Jesus takes on an AWESOME appearance and then two men, two of their great heroes of the Old Testament, who have been dead for a REALLY long time, show up and talk to Jesus. That had to blow their minds... How do you even begin to wrap your brain around something like that? I can't begin to imagine the emotions that were coursing their minds and hearts at the time... talk about a literal mountain top experience.
And what Peter does next is so typical Peter (and so typical me too!!)... He starts making a plan... "Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents here, one for You, one for Moses and one for Elijah." Luke, in Chapter 9 of his gospel, adds that Peter didn't even know what he was saying.
Peter didn't take the time to process what was happening... He almost missed the significance of God pulling back the veil of Jesus' true identity because he wanted to DO something instead of just BEING with Jesus and allowing the moment to transform him (Peter).
What follows next makes me chuckle a little. From Matthew 17:5... "He was still speaking when a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; LISTEN to Him." (emphasis mine)... Peter was still babbling on about his plan when God speaks from a cloud... Peter's on a mountain top with Jesus, Moses and Elijah and HE'S doing the talking! It took the voice of God from a cloud to get him to be quiet! And then Peter, James and John fell to their faces and were terrified... aka... Peter was silent!
But how often do I behave like Peter... maybe it's something that grabs hold of my emotions... maybe it's a mountain top experience of Jesus at a retreat... or on a mission trip... or some injustice that tears at my heart... but instead of stopping and listening to Jesus and seeking what He would have me do... or not do... I start formulating a plan and then asking for His approval. How often does God have to stop me in my tracks to get me to listen to His Son... my ONE true King... the only ONE worth following!
And following Him means I get in line BEHIND Him... not out in front trying to lead Him... It means I wait and listen for what He wants me to do, not what SEEMS right to me.
Next time you start to formulate some plan about what you're going to do for Jesus, step back for a minute (or an hour... or a month) and seek Him and listen to Him. His plan is always perfect... He will never lead you wrong!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Not always what you expect.....
So, many times in our lives, we live in a way that is predictable. We seek advice, put plans in place and prepare in order that we can know what to expect. While that is very prudent in many ways, it can also be disheartening when we become convinced that the predicted outcome is a certainty.
This happened over and over again when people engaged with Jesus:
- The rich young ruler thought he had all it took to follow Jesus – yet when Jesus asked him to sell all he owned to follow him, his expectations were crushed.
- When the disciples asked who is the greatest, Jesus taught “for the one who is least among all of you, this in the one who is great.” This was a complete reversal of how they defined greatness.
- John tells Jesus “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name; and we tried to prevent him because he does now follow along with us.” Jesus replied, “Do not hinder him; for he who is not against you is for you.”
Sometimes this happens in our own lives:
- We think we have what it takes and Christ shows us we are lacking.
- We think we understand greatness, success, happiness, security, love and Jesus shows us that our definitions are flawed.
- We think others aren’t ministering correctly because they are not ‘with us’ and then Jesus tells us not to hinder the work of others.
I know there are areas in my life in which I think I am well prepared and ‘have what it takes’ and then I am taught that I am lacking. I think I understand parts of life and find that my definitions are flawed. I believe that others are not ‘doing it right’ and Jesus reminds me that it is not up to me to judge.
Sometimes it’s not what you expect, but what you take away from the situation that is the greatest lesson. My husband’s grandfather had a saying: “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst and take what comes.” When we live life following Christ, I think this is a good rule of thumb.
Monday, October 28, 2013
What Matters Most
I love that God creates people with different strengths that glorify Him and help people. I was blessed recently by one sister in Christ, Melanie Schroepfer.
Melanie came over to help me organize our family memorabilia: pictures, letters, awards, baby clothes, cards, and so on. It was a mess! And it's been that way for two decades. In between babies, moving and mental illness, I just never got around to organizing it. Which is weird since I'm super organized. My kids are 17 and almost 19 and have no baby books. Uuugh. After years of accumulation, I was overwhelmed. Each time I started to organize our memorabilia, I stopped.
Then Melanie arrived. She gave me some terrific ideas about sorting. But the ONE thing I remember most is her challenge: "Ask yourself when you look at something, 'How much do I value this?'" What do I cherish and treasure? Because you can't keep it all or you'd never find it.
Melanie's question is the principle I'm using to sort. For example, I tossed the press releases and newspaper articles I wrote as a journalist. I don't need to keep them to remember how much I enjoyed my career. But I'm holding onto the high school essay I wrote about my father's love of flowers.
I dreaded this project for years, but it has been so sweet to find things like the cassette tape of my interview of my Granny in 1995. Just hearing her voice again! I have poured through my children's drawings, pictures of dear friends, and family heirlooms. I'm not a keeper. I'm not particularly sentimental. But I feel like I am digging up old treasure. And I wasn't expecting the JOY of rediscovering these things.
I would not be experiencing that joy had God not prompted Melanie Schroepfer to help. It was clearly God ordained. I e-mailed to see if we could meet for lunch while she is in between jobs as a business analyst. But Melanie remembered my earlier plea for prayer about this memorabilia project and came over to get me going. She is exactly the person I needed and God knew that.
I am left thinking: How can I help someone in a similar way? Am I open to the Holy Spirit's leading in this? Lord, use me.
My other thought is simply an echo of Melanie's challenge to me: What do you value? What matters most? Whatever it is, ladies, get to it!
- Kathryn Truden
Melanie came over to help me organize our family memorabilia: pictures, letters, awards, baby clothes, cards, and so on. It was a mess! And it's been that way for two decades. In between babies, moving and mental illness, I just never got around to organizing it. Which is weird since I'm super organized. My kids are 17 and almost 19 and have no baby books. Uuugh. After years of accumulation, I was overwhelmed. Each time I started to organize our memorabilia, I stopped.
Then Melanie arrived. She gave me some terrific ideas about sorting. But the ONE thing I remember most is her challenge: "Ask yourself when you look at something, 'How much do I value this?'" What do I cherish and treasure? Because you can't keep it all or you'd never find it.
Melanie's question is the principle I'm using to sort. For example, I tossed the press releases and newspaper articles I wrote as a journalist. I don't need to keep them to remember how much I enjoyed my career. But I'm holding onto the high school essay I wrote about my father's love of flowers.
I dreaded this project for years, but it has been so sweet to find things like the cassette tape of my interview of my Granny in 1995. Just hearing her voice again! I have poured through my children's drawings, pictures of dear friends, and family heirlooms. I'm not a keeper. I'm not particularly sentimental. But I feel like I am digging up old treasure. And I wasn't expecting the JOY of rediscovering these things.
I would not be experiencing that joy had God not prompted Melanie Schroepfer to help. It was clearly God ordained. I e-mailed to see if we could meet for lunch while she is in between jobs as a business analyst. But Melanie remembered my earlier plea for prayer about this memorabilia project and came over to get me going. She is exactly the person I needed and God knew that.
I am left thinking: How can I help someone in a similar way? Am I open to the Holy Spirit's leading in this? Lord, use me.
My other thought is simply an echo of Melanie's challenge to me: What do you value? What matters most? Whatever it is, ladies, get to it!
- Kathryn Truden
Monday, October 21, 2013
a whole lot.
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{via evannicoledesigns on etsy} |
i love this quote. because what it basically says is "i need jesus." i need a whole lot of jesus, and that's it. personally a little bit of coffee goes a long way as well, but i mean, jesus is God, so he can always provide coffee, right? {right.}
of course, i started writing this post yesterday, and today was one of those days when i really needed a whole LOT of jesus. as in, i wasn't going to make it through the day without a whole lot of jesus. it's kind of like that whole "don't pray for patience unless you're ready to get stuck in a lot of situations where you need a lot of patience" thing.
don't talk about needing a whole lot of jesus unless you're prepared for a reminder that you need a whole lot of jesus.
today i wanted to change keane's name to oscar the grouch because my normally sweet child could only be described as sour. he got upset about everything, and he's started throwing things and pitching a fit when he gets upset. i know that will go on for a long time, but ugh. just ugh.
yes, jesus had to show up big time for me. but that's the thing - he did show up. he is faithful. far too often i try to do everything myself. i put too much stock in what i can do, and wait until the very last second to lean on him. it's like he's telling me what to do to handle the situation {any situation} properly, and i put my hands over my ears and "LA LA LA, I'M NOT LISTENING!" i, in effect, tell the God of the universe, "don't worry, i've got this."
they say if you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans. he holds the whole world in his hands, and sometimes i try to take my life into my own. seems kind of silly, doesn't it?
i'm so thankful that jesus gave all of himself for me, and that he's willing to give me a whole lot of himself on a daily basis, if i'm only willing to take him up on the offer.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Are You Confident Of Who You Are?
While reading in Matthew 4 about the temptation of Jesus, a word jumped out at me that, in the past, I had given very little attention to... It was the word 'if.'
In Matthew 4:3 & 6, Satan says to Jesus, "IF you are the Son of God..." If? What does he mean 'if'? Of course Satan knew that Jesus was the Son of God... But Jesus had been fasting alone in the desert for 40 days and night, He was hungry and since Jesus was fully human, I think it's safe to assume He was physically weak and tired. Was the enemy hoping that in Jesus' weakness he could cast doubt on His identity as the Son of God and trip Him up?
Thankfully Jesus had no doubts at all about His identity and purpose and the enemy wasn't able to trip Him up and cause Him to sin. But things haven't changed much in over 2000 years and the enemy is still trying to cast doubt on who we are in Christ and either cause us to sin or steal the abundant life from us. And sadly, I don't always stand as firmly as Jesus did. (One clarification... Satan is not omnipresent so I don't think he's personally working on each of us. But Ephesians 6:12 teaches us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities, cosmic powers and the spiritual forces of evil. So clearly he has some help!)
But here's the thing, we don't have to fall prey to his age old, same old tactics... We can spend time in God's word and learn to distinguish the destroying lies of the enemy from the life giving truths of Jesus. Here's just a few...
Is shame and guilt eating at your soul? Romans 8:1... In Christ there is NO condemnation!! It is not Jesus condemning you, you are forgiven!
Do you feel hopelessly enslaved to a certain sin? Romans 8:2... For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. In Christ, you are free! You can know victory!
Do you struggle with feeling inadequate or not enough? Ephesians 2:10... You are God's workmanship... Do you really believe that God's work is inadequate or somehow lacking? Colossians 2:10... In Christ, you are complete!
Scripture is FULL of truths that counteract the lies of the enemy! Stop listening to the life stealing whispers of the enemy and learn the voice of your Abba Father, through His Word!
Do you have a favorite verse that helps you shush the lies of the enemy? If so, I would love for you to share it! You never know, it might just be the word someone else needs to know!
In Him,
In Matthew 4:3 & 6, Satan says to Jesus, "IF you are the Son of God..." If? What does he mean 'if'? Of course Satan knew that Jesus was the Son of God... But Jesus had been fasting alone in the desert for 40 days and night, He was hungry and since Jesus was fully human, I think it's safe to assume He was physically weak and tired. Was the enemy hoping that in Jesus' weakness he could cast doubt on His identity as the Son of God and trip Him up?
Thankfully Jesus had no doubts at all about His identity and purpose and the enemy wasn't able to trip Him up and cause Him to sin. But things haven't changed much in over 2000 years and the enemy is still trying to cast doubt on who we are in Christ and either cause us to sin or steal the abundant life from us. And sadly, I don't always stand as firmly as Jesus did. (One clarification... Satan is not omnipresent so I don't think he's personally working on each of us. But Ephesians 6:12 teaches us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities, cosmic powers and the spiritual forces of evil. So clearly he has some help!)
But here's the thing, we don't have to fall prey to his age old, same old tactics... We can spend time in God's word and learn to distinguish the destroying lies of the enemy from the life giving truths of Jesus. Here's just a few...
Is shame and guilt eating at your soul? Romans 8:1... In Christ there is NO condemnation!! It is not Jesus condemning you, you are forgiven!
Do you feel hopelessly enslaved to a certain sin? Romans 8:2... For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. In Christ, you are free! You can know victory!
Do you struggle with feeling inadequate or not enough? Ephesians 2:10... You are God's workmanship... Do you really believe that God's work is inadequate or somehow lacking? Colossians 2:10... In Christ, you are complete!
Scripture is FULL of truths that counteract the lies of the enemy! Stop listening to the life stealing whispers of the enemy and learn the voice of your Abba Father, through His Word!
Do you have a favorite verse that helps you shush the lies of the enemy? If so, I would love for you to share it! You never know, it might just be the word someone else needs to know!
In Him,
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
‘Love Like Christ’ -- Really?!?
I just finished a book entitled “The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen Year Old Boy with Autism” by Naoki Higshida. Naoki learned to use a keyboard and although he cannot communicate by conventional means (language, sign language) he is able to eloquently describe what it is like to have autism. He writes about his inability to respond to questions, problems with compulsive behaviors, memory that is non-sequential, emotions that wash over you like a tsunami. It is a brilliantly written book, all from a person a majority of people would consider unequivocally disabled.
In one passage he writes: “The hardest ordeal for us is the idea that we are causing grief for other people. We can put up with our own hardships okay, but the thought that our lives are the source of other people’s unhappiness, that’s plain unbearable.” It broke my heart to know that this child was more concerned about that ‘trouble’ he was causing others than his own suffering.
This made me stop and think – how many people suffer in pain and we don’t even realize it. So many people struggle with disability, poverty, insecurity, physical pain, mental pain, emotional trama – the list goes on and on. Yet, when I encounter someone who may be rude, slow or frustrating, I am all too quick to judge or get angry.
For this reason Christ admonishes us in John 13:34 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” OK, so how much of a rat-head do I feel like? Jesus Christ (the kindest, most caring, gracious and loving person that ever lived) loves me (a mostly selfish, judgmental, shallow, sinful person). If I am to love others as Christ loved me, well, it’s a game changer. That other person does not have to be pleasant or kind to me, but it is up to me to love them, be gracious to them and show them mercy.
Kinda hard in a messed up world – but the one thing that will help fix the mess.
Monday, September 30, 2013
My favorite author
Our desire as Vine Life blog writers is to encourage you in your relationship with Jesus Christ. I was thinking about who and what help me grow spiritually. One author stands out: Elisabeth Elliot.
What C.S. Lewis is to Pastor Doug Falls, Elisabeth Elliot is to me. The one writer whose words draw me to the Throne of Grace again and again. I have read many of her books. I hope her words have saturated my soul because they are all about our King. He is worthy to be praised, obeyed, and trusted completely.
These are some of my favorite books:
Passion and Purity - About her relationship with Jim Elliot before they married. I read this while dating my husband, Tom, and it was exactly what I needed to hear about staying focused on Christ when my heart was spinning wildly.
The Shaping of a Christian Family - About growing up in a godly home. I did not, and reading about her parents and siblings showed me what a Christian home could be.
The Path of Loneliness - Widowed twice, she has learned much through loneliness.
Through Gates of Splendor - About the life and death of five men, including Jim, who gave their lives while witnessing to the Auca Indians of Ecuador. I recently read this again and was struck by how Elisabeth accepted God's plan despite great loss because she trusted His love and authority.
Let me encourage you to read one of these books soon!
What C.S. Lewis is to Pastor Doug Falls, Elisabeth Elliot is to me. The one writer whose words draw me to the Throne of Grace again and again. I have read many of her books. I hope her words have saturated my soul because they are all about our King. He is worthy to be praised, obeyed, and trusted completely.
These are some of my favorite books:
Passion and Purity - About her relationship with Jim Elliot before they married. I read this while dating my husband, Tom, and it was exactly what I needed to hear about staying focused on Christ when my heart was spinning wildly.
The Shaping of a Christian Family - About growing up in a godly home. I did not, and reading about her parents and siblings showed me what a Christian home could be.
The Path of Loneliness - Widowed twice, she has learned much through loneliness.
Through Gates of Splendor - About the life and death of five men, including Jim, who gave their lives while witnessing to the Auca Indians of Ecuador. I recently read this again and was struck by how Elisabeth accepted God's plan despite great loss because she trusted His love and authority.
Let me encourage you to read one of these books soon!
- Kathryn
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