Tuesday, March 19, 2013

St. Francis, what does that have to do with me?!?

As I have watched the news coverage on the election and installation of the new Pope, I began by thinking, "very interesting, but as a Protestant, not particularly relevant to me."  Then Bergoglio took the name Francis.  Having taught about Francis of Assisi, I was familiar with how significant the choice of that name is.

Saint Francis lived in the 11th century.  He was born to a very affluent family but decided to renounce his wealth and position to take on the cause of Christ for the poor.  He became poor himself and relied exclusively on God to provide for his needs.

More than almost any person in history, Francis took on the ministry of Christ.  He ministered to the poor, he cared for creation (animals, environment), he sought peace with enemies, and he looked to unify and not divide.  What is his legacy? What difference did it make to be like Jesus?   Catholic and non-denominational orders of Francis have ministered to countless people over the centuries.  The church has been reminded to care for creation.  During the Muslim rule of the Holy Lands, the Franciscans were not killed or driven out but given property to maintain their order alongside the Muslims.  Although never ordained nor an official in the Catholic church, he is recognized as one of the most influential parts of the Catholic church.

So what?  What does this mean to me?  St. Francis and Pope Francis realized that Jesus calls us to serve others and in that service the world sees the love of Christ.  Is there something we can do in our lives to be more like Jesus to others?  Is there something I can do to help the poor (Brent Jones can help out with this)?  Can I pay more attention to how I interact with creation (not wasteful, greedy, careless)?  Do I love my enemies (irritating coworkers, atheist neighbors, democrats, republicans, homosexuals)? Do I try to find similarities with other believers or do I look for differences?

Trying to take it on all at once is a daunting task -- and who has the time?  Is there one area that you could focus on?  The poor, creation, loving enemies, being a peace maker.  I have chosen one and will be working on it.  To God be the glory!

Prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.  Amen

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Embracing Obscurity

On Monday evenings in April I am going to lead a book club discussion in my home. The book is Embracing Obscurity: Becoming Nothing in Light of God's Everything. It's about pride, and as soon as I saw it in a Lifeway store flyer I thought, "I have to read that book!" Because I totally struggle with pride. Like the author of Embracing Obscurity, I daydream of becoming famous for some accomplishment, including something noble or significant in the Kingdom of God. Why am I pondering my own glory when I could be advancing His?

Here's an excerpt from the book:

"God gave Adam and Eve 'jobs' before they sinned. Something to 'do' was part of God's perfect plan for them and for us. We are designed to find pleasure and purpose in the roles God has given us - relationally, vocationally, and spiritually. In another word, we find significance in playing a part in God's great screenplay of the ages. And when we find our significance in Christ, we can be content to play a supporting role or even to stand in as an 'extra' in the background. The visibility of our part stops being such a big deal, as the reality of being on the cast at all sinks in."

The Lord is using this book and conversations I've had with friends about it to free me from the grip of pride - although I've got a looong way to go! It's wonderful to experience the joy of honoring God alone instead of being wrapped up in my own reputation. I am eager to hear from other women who struggle with pride, too. So read it for the April book club and please come. E-mail me if you want details about when we'll meet and what chapters we will discuss each week.

- Kathryn Truden

Monday, March 4, 2013

Without a Leg to Stand On

When I traveled to California
recently for my aunt's birthday
party, I took a lovely walk on
a long pier that jutted out into
the ocean. I discovered a hearty
bird sitting on the railing. This
immature gull had only one leg.
At first I thought it had simply
tucked one leg under its body,
but no, on further examination,
I realized that it really was
missing a working leg. When
the bird flew away, I saw that
it was quite capable of taking care of itself, regardless of how many legs it had. Its wings worked and it could fly, and soar, and swoop down to grab food in its beak. God had given it great adaptive instincts. Birds are often mean to the weaker among them,
but we can be different.

Yes, we learn and change as Katie so aptly wrote about last week. Some of us become more independent, but some - often due to circumstances beyond our control - become more helpless. Sickness, sorrow, loneliness, disabilities, injury, age, betrayal - all cause us to lose a little bit of our independence. So we learn to adapt and to trust and depend on others.

God told Paul that His grace was sufficient. Paul also writes that when he is weak, he is strong - and in another place - that those who are strong ought to support the weak and not just please themselves. We are all helpless before God, even with no missing body parts. But when one person suffers, we all do. With God's grace we can help each other to soar in spite of our limitations.

Barbara Eckroad