For the last few months, we have been in the midst of a sort of 'fruit basket turnover' related to where our children sleep, within our home. When our oldest left for college last fall, we thought it was time to let the girls have their own room and the boys could share a room, when they both were home.
(Abby's Room)
(Mackenzie's Room)
(Boy's Room)
As we have finished each room, I have enjoyed sitting in the room for a while and soaking in the newness. Each room feels like a new beginning, even the rooms that only received a deep cleaning and de-cluttering feel new again.
But as I sat savoring our hard work and enjoying the newness, I realized that our verse this month, Lamentations 3:22-23, offers us the same experience, spiritually speaking... "Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
I don't have to let spiritual clutter build up in my life... grudges, unforgiveness, bitterness, guilt, shame, sin... I can bring it all to the throne every single morning and because of God's great love, He will cleanse my heart and breathe new life (and joy... AWESOME sermon Rick!)... into my soul!
Just like clutter and dirt in a home hides its true beauty and the personality of those living there, spiritual clutter hides the beauty of Christ in us. Instead of letting days, weeks, months or even years go by, let's take time each morning to de-clutter our hearts and receive the compassion and mercy that God so graciously offers us. Great is His faithfulness!!
Love the parallel thought! I need to ask God to help me with my physical and spiritual clutter. He is a god of miracles! DR