Monday, January 6, 2014

Brrr…Brrr…wish I had fur!!!

That was a silly rhyme I used to say to my kids when we were at the bus stop and it was abnormally cold.  As teenagers, they are thrilled when I once again recite it (and they are especially over-joyed when their friends are around to hear it).

With the crazy cold weather about to hit, I am thinking about what I need to do to keep my pipes from freezing, make sure my kids dress appropriately and other 'cold related' tasks.  At the same time, I stop and think how blessed I am to have warm clothes and a house to retreat to -- which reminds me to be thankful for all the basic needs that God has provided me with.

As I am having that conversation with God, He reminds me that not everyone has it as good.  There are numerous homeless people, those without adequate heat and many who will suffer as a result of the cold.  Consequently, I redirect my prayers to include those that don't have as many benefits.

So, although wishing to have some fur to fight off the cold is silly, that small rhyme has reminded me of a couple of things:
- thankfulness for our blessings is important to our hearts
- intercession for others helps us have compassion

Ultimately, I have the opportunity to be a blessing as I have been blessed and it may be that an extreme weather pattern will give me that opportunity.  I am going to let the cold remind me to bring some warmth into another's life in the next day or two -- there is need all around me and I have been truly blessed.

With warmest thoughts - Cynthia

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