Monday, April 7, 2014

The Simplest Lessons...

Some weeks it's just hard to write a blog post...  when I get focused on a task, trying to divert my energies is like trying to change the course of a rushing river, almost impossible.  This was one of those weeks!  I am in "get ready for an art festival" mode and 98% of life feels like an interruption (just keeping it real).  And yet, God gave me SO much I wanted to write about...  this could have been 'pages' long!

But just yesterday, I was reminded of such a sweet truth...  I was telling Amanda Mascara about something that happened a couple of weeks ago with their adorable son, Knox.

It was after Sunday School and I was chatting in the fellowship hall.  Knox was trying so hard to keep up with the 'big' boys and it took about 30 seconds for him to get run over, literally.  As he got up, you could tell he was trying so hard not to cry, but he was hit hard and as we started to move towards him, he spotted his daddy standing nearby.  He wanted nothing to do with us 'stranger' ladies...  he only had eyes for his daddy.

Tim stopped his conversation, comforted him and before long, Knox was back in the midst of it...  And about 30 seconds later (again), it happened a second time... and he went straight back for his daddy.

It didn't hit me at the time, but yesterday when I was relating the story to Amanda, I realized how profound the simplest stories can be...

Where do you run when the world runs you over?  I hate to admit it, but too often I get distracted by "strangers" (aka. idols) who can't really comfort me...  comfort food...  comfort shopping...  comfort television... any escape to distract me from the pain...

But what if I set my sights on my Abba Father and didn't let any other promise of sympathy, comfort or relief pull my focus from Him?!  I bet I would find the strength to get back in the game as quickly as Knox did.

Why don't you take a minute and ask God to show you where you tend to run when life runs you over?  I'll leave you with these verses from Psalms that I love so much (Psalm 73:25-26)  "Whom have I in heaven but you?  And there is nothing on earth I desire besides you.  My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Let God be your strength...  your refreshment...  your everything!


1 comment:

  1. Being one of the strangers/idols (lol) I didn't let something so profound as you have written strike me with such clarity until you shone the light of truth on it. Beautifully written. Thanks for the effort. I know it hard some times.

